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voice chat中文是什么意思

用"voice chat"造句"voice chat"怎么读"voice chat" in a sentence


  • 语音聊天
  • "voice"中文翻译    n. 1.语声;嗓音;鸣声;〔比喻〕呼声。 2.发声力, ...
  • "chat"中文翻译    n. =chit1.
  • "internet voice chat" 中文翻译 :    语音聊天
  • "lan chat voice" 中文翻译 :    语音聊天软件
  • "voice and video chat" 中文翻译 :    语音视频
  • "chat" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.闲谈,聊天。 2.鸣禽。 have a chat with 与…闲谈,与…聊天 (with)。 vi. (-tt-) 闲谈,聊天;(在电脑网络上)与网友聊天。 n. =chit1.
  • "chat with" 中文翻译 :    和...聊天
  • "chat chat privately" 中文翻译 :    窃窃私语
  • "and voice" 中文翻译 :    公开或正式表达出的意见
  • "in voice" 中文翻译 :    以悲哀的声调
  • "the voice" 中文翻译 :    呼声; 平原绫香; 声音
  • "the voice that is" 中文翻译 :    就是这个声音
  • "voice" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.语声;嗓音;鸣声;〔比喻〕呼声。 2.发声力,语言(力);想说话的欲望。 3.(学说、主义等的)代言人,表述者,喉舌。 4.(尤指投票时的)愿望,意见,选择;发言权,投票权,参与权。 5.【语法】语态。 6.【语音】有声音;声带振动;浊音(特性)。 7.【音乐】声部;歌唱才能,歌喉,嗓子;歌声;歌手。 8.【电学】口声。 a chest voice 胸音。 A head voice 头音。 A deep voice 深沉有力的嗓音。 A veiled voice 嗄哑的语声。 The voice of the tempter 诱惑。 Indig-nation gave me voice. 气得我开了口。 My voice is against [for] …我的意见是反对[赞成]…。 A chorus of 100 voices 一百人的大合唱。 At the top of one's voice 用最大的嗓门。 Be in voice 嗓子好。 Find one's voice 开口说,发出声音。 Find voice in song 借歌发泄[表露]。 Give one's voice for 赞成。 Give voice to 说出,吐露,表现 ( The dog gave voice to his joy. 狗高兴得汪汪地叫)。 Have a [no] voice in 对…有[没有]发言权。 In a hushed voice 低声私语地。 In a loud voice 用高声,大声。 In bad voice 嗓子不好。 In good voice 用嘹亮的声音,嗓子好。 Lift up one's voice 提高嗓门说话,喧嚷;抗议,诉苦。 Lose one's voice 嗓子哑了,(尤指)倒了嗓子,说不出话来。 Not in voice = out of voice 嗓子不好。 Recover one's voice 开口说起话来。 Speak under one's voice 低声说。 With one voice 异口同声,全场一致 ( He was chosen with one voice. 全场一致选了他)。 vt. 1.把…发为声音,把…发为言语,用话把…说出来,讲出。 2.【音乐】调准(风琴管);【语音】把…发成声音,使发成浊音。 voice opinions 发表意见。 Voice one's discontent 发牢骚,鸣不平。
  • "voice the" 中文翻译 :    呼声
  • "a chat in the underground" 中文翻译 :    地下铁的谈话
  • "all chat" 中文翻译 :    公共频道对话窗口
  • "anteater chat" 中文翻译 :    蚁(即鸟)
  • "ban chat" 中文翻译 :    班乍
  • "beginning a chat" 中文翻译 :    增加一两句
  • "cap chat" 中文翻译 :    卡普沙
  • "chat and mapping" 中文翻译 :    网友杂谈
  • "chat and other" 中文翻译 :    天空水阁
  • "chat area" 中文翻译 :    高谈阔论
  • "chat bottom" 中文翻译 :    滚屏至聊天窗口底部
  • "chat boxes" 中文翻译 :    聊天室


  • Voice chat enables you to speak with other residents
  • Welcome to second life voice chat
  • A maximum of five people can be heard simultaneously through voice chat
  • This wizard will guide you through the steps necessary to set up voice chat
  • Internet start page that includes voice chat , language translator , universal search , music , and news
  • Microphone resources will no longer be claimed by world of warcraft when voice chat is disabled
  • Note that voice chat requires a stereo headset with a microphone ; click the help button for more information
  • After you ' ve enabled voice chat and adjusted the settings to match your system and your preferences , it ' s time to try out the new chat features
  • Yes voice chat is planned for 2 . 2 . no it is not available yet . when it is available expect an announcement because we intend to do a lot of testing on it
    2中包含语音聊天的计划。但是现在还没成效。当它是可预期公布,因为我们打算做了大量的试验研究. )
  • There are a lot of technical challenges to go with that and some legal issues as well because of the different ways you can set up voice chat - - either on a person ' s ip or we provide the bandwith
    还有一些技术上的难题需要克服同时也有些法律上的困难,因为实现语音聊天的方法有很多种? ?既可以基于个人ip又可以由我们提供带宽。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"voice chat"造句  


Voice chat is a modern form of communication used on the Internet. The means of communicating with voice chat is through any of the messengers, mainly Skype, Yahoo!
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